Friday, October 22, 2010

Taking A Leap of Faith

Dexter S5E04 Review - "Beauty and the Beast"

Lumen standing in Boyd's swamp dumping ground.
Image courtesy of Showtime.

All i can say is wow. This week's episode of Dexter was really, really good! It seems like the writers have definitely started to step up their game, as this episode left me craving for more.

First off the bat, i'll talk about Dexter's storyline for this episode. Basically in a nutshell, Dexter and us (the audience) went on a researching adventure trying to find out information about Dexter's captive - (the beautiful miss Julia Stiles).

As the episode progressed, we discovered that her name was Lumen Ann Pierce, and that it seems that she had run away from home. However, it seems that her little adventure had turned out for the worst, as she ended up in Boyd Fowler's basement - but the actual events that led her to him were not revealed this episode. I have a strong feeling that they will be explored next week.

Additionally, we were treated to a adrenaline rush, as Lumen pretended to be dead in the abandoned tourist centre, only to knock Dexter to the ground and flee for her life. However, once Dexter had managed to sort things out with her, it seems that the beginnings of a possible friendship might be emerging. However, it is still too soon to tell.

Aside from his antics with Lumen, Dexter also had to make up with Sonya, who decided to quit after Dexter's unexpected absence. However, he begged her to come back, and after telling her the truth (that he was at a crime scene and helping an injured girl), she deicided to come back and work for him. Phew. I was worried we were going to say goodbye to the lovely Sonya. :(

Thank you Showtime for keeping her on board. :)

Deb's storyline was a lot more intense than it has been lately, with the Miami homicide department actually managing to decipher who the cult killers were. After a heavy confrontation, Deb unfortunately was not able to stop one of the killers, but she did manage to save the life of an innocent Venezualen man, albeit that he got his neck sliced by a machete.

Quinn's storyline was also a lot more intense as he made contact with Jonah Mitchell this episode. After following the FBI to a convenience store, he confronted Jonah with a picture of Dexter, but before Jonah had a chance to reply, the FBI arrested Quinn, and he recieved an unpaid suspension from LaGuerta.

I have a feeling though, that Quinn's investigation of Dexter has only just begun.

Batista and LaGuerta's storylines unfortunately didn't go very far this episode, aside from Batista apologising to Sgt. Lopez, and LaGuerta trying to convince the Internal Affairs representative to let the matter go. But, ah well.  The other secondary characters had some major tv time, so it is an improvement.

Anyhow, these are my marks for the fourth episode of the season:

  • Potency of the season's theme in the episode:      ****
  • Editing/Scenes of Relevance:      *****
  • Main character's effectiveness in role/connection with audience:      *****
  • Secondary character's effectiveness in role/connection with audience:      ****
  • Music/Visual effects:      *****
  • Potency of all storylines & relationships in the episode:      ***

Overall Marks:  26 / 30
Grade Percentage: 87%

All in all, this was a very good episode. I can honestly say that i cannot wait until next week's episode to find out more about Lumen's character and what Quinn is going to get upto now that he is on suspension. That, and the cult killers seem like very riveting characters. I can only hope that they are a season long storyline for Debra and the rest of the Miami PD. But, my gut instinct tells me that the cult killers storyline will conclude by the end of the sixth or seventh episode.

I suppose i should also point out that i've watched the preview for next week's episode and it seems that Lumen herself is going on a rampage of her own. I cannot wait to see how this turns out. 

Until next week, ciao!

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