Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Guns and Rainbows

Dexter S5E05 Review - "First Blood"

Dexter attempting to convince Lumen to leave Miami.
Image courtesy of Showtime.

Well, it certainly seems that things are finally starting to set in motion in Miami. This week's episode of Dexter saw the reunion of Miami Homicide's full team (excepting Quinn) back working on cases. Yeah, that's right, Dexter is back at work (about time!). With life slowly starting to return to normal in Miami, the show has moved away from Rita's death, and now is focusing primarily on Dexter's relationship with Lumen.

This episode, a number of interesting things happened to Dexter. First of all, i'd like to address his return to work. It was good to see all the original Miami gang together again, especially considering that in every previous season, Dexter has always been working in every episode. With him back at work, hopefully the pace of the season will start to pick up in regards to the Sante Muerta killings.

On another note, Dexter and Lumen... i like their chemistry. Dexter, with his need to kill in order to set the world right, and Lumen with her rage and quest for revenge against the men who raped her... i think they would make a pretty killer team (pardon the pun). Unfortunately, at the moment Lumen appears to be more of an obstacle than an ally, as evidenced by her near shooting of an innocent man. Granted, she did believe that the man was one of her rapists, but thankfully Dexter managed to stop her from committing murder. Which brings me to my next point...wasn't it kind of ironic how Dexter went out of his way to kidnap Lumen's target? Of course, one could argue that if Lumen gets caught, that Dexter would soon follow, but i think there's more to it than that... i think he likes her. Heck, he even told her his last name. Expect some more theories on their relationship next post.

To be honest, i don't know if it's my infatuation with Julia Stiles, but everyone else's storylines seemed not as appealing as last weeks' - the only ones i found remotely interesting were Deb and Cira's findings of two new Santa Muerta victims (apparently the Fuentes brothers' first kills) and Quinn's recruitment of a dirty cop to look into Dexter.

Of course, i should also mention Batista and LaGuerta's storyline - but to be honest, it still doesn't seem good. Sure, my respect for Batista's character went up this episode, but it still wasn't enough to make me grade their relationship any higher than normal. Shame really. I really wanted to give this episode a higher mark. Hopefully, the writers have something big in store for Batista and LaGuerta - otherwise i will have to deny an extraordinary show the true mark that it deserves.

Now, my marks for the fifth episode of Dexter Season 5:

  • Potency of the season's theme in the episode:      ****
  • Editing/Scenes of Relevance:      *****
  • Main character's effectiveness in role/connection with audience:      *****
  • Secondary character's effectiveness in role/connection with audience:      ****
  • Music/Visual Effects:      *****
  • Potency of all storylines and relationships in the episode:      ***

Overall marks:   26 / 30
Grade Percentage: 87%

All in all, this was a great episode of Dexter, and the story is really starting to come together in certain aspects. Of course, we still have seven episodes to go, so anything can happen in the coming weeks. One thing i am particularly interested in is the season finale. What do the writers have in store for us at the end of the season? Who will live? Who will die? We will find out in due time. 

By the way, for all you Quinn haters, sorry to say this, but i don't think Quinn will die this season. Since he has his new lapdog doing his dirty work for him, i think the ex-Robocop will be the one to fall under the blade this season - and, best of all, i think Lumen will be the one to do it.

Only time will tell.

Until next week, ciao!

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